The Digital Balance Multiplier Event in Leitrim
As part of Momentum’s 20th Birthday celebration, we held a multiplier event for the Digital Balance Project. Digital Balance is a new approach to train VET teachers, leaders and managers in digital well-being. The end result will be to improve educators’ own digital competences, while also boosting the capacity of VET institutions to manage the digital transition.
We presented the Digital Balance Project to over 80 people, including educators and VET trainers, and there was a great interest in the project.The goal of the project is to boost the capacity of the VET institutions to manage the digital transition in a way that marries high quality teaching with the well-being of the concerned on a long term.
Digital Balance has produced three new resources that enable the integration of policy and practice to support digital well being for teachers and encourage proactive behaviour at personal level:
1. IO1: Digital Balance Analysis Report is an investigation, analysis and publication which introduces and analyses the challenges to digital wellbeing as experienced by VET teachers and managers as a part of the wider current digital transition.
2. IO2: Digital Well Being Resource Pack are a series of open resources in the form of case studies, guides, and template documents, which enable VET managers and department heads to better understand the options open to them and to develop concrete plans, policy and practice suitable to boost their own organization’s digital well-being performance.
3. IO3: Digital Balance Empowerment Program is an online training course that provides teachers with the knowledge and skills to be proactive in safeguarding their own digital wellbeing in order to maintain high quality teaching performance over time.
To find out more about the Digital Balance Project please visit the website: